Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers announces revised Guidelines for Scheme for "Strengthening of Pharmaceuticals Industry (SPI)” | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers announces revised Guidelines for Scheme for "Strengthening of Pharmaceuticals Industry (SPI)”

Posted 18 Mar 2024

Updated 28 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • SPI scheme addresses requirement for support to existing pharma clusters to improve productivity, quality and sustainability to make India a global leader in Pharma Sector.
    • SPI Tenure: FY 2021-2022 to FY 2025-26 (5 years)
  • SPI Scheme has three components
    • Assistance to Pharmaceutical Industry for Common Facilities (APICF)
    • Revamped Pharmaceutical Technology Upgradation Assistance Scheme (RPTUAS)
    • Pharmaceutical & Medical Devices Promotion and Development Scheme (PMPDS)




  • Aim: Strengthen existing pharmaceutical clusters’ capacity for their sustained growth by creating common facilities.
  • Tenure: 5 years. 
  • Limit of incentive will be 70% of approved project cost or Rs 20 crore, whichever is less,
  • Eligible activities: R&D Labs; Testing Laboratory for Pharma Products; Effluent Treatment Plants; Logistic Centers; Training Centers.
  • Monitoring: Project Management Consultant (PMC), agency appointed by Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP).
  • Benefits:
    • Improvement in quality standards and environmental regulatory compliance; 
    • Reduction in wastage of manufactured pharma products; 
    • Increased availability of trained personnel for pharma clusters; etc.
  • Aim: Facilitate growth and development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Sectors through conducting studies, awareness programs, etc.
  • Tenure: 5 years.
  • Eligible activities: Database Creation of pharmaceutical and medical device sector, etc.
  • Monitoring: PMC.
  • Benefits: Bring awareness about Government policies and identifying problems/issues faced by industry.
  • Tags :
  • Pharmaceuticals Industry
  • SPI scheme
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