Australian Water Partnership (AWP) and ICIMOD release reports on basinwide management of the Ganges | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Australian Water Partnership (AWP) and ICIMOD release reports on basinwide management of the Ganges

Posted 21 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • A 2019 MoU between AWP and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) calls for analyzing challenges and opportunities for basin wide management across: Indus, the Brahmaputra, and the Ganges. 


  • Key findings on Ganges Basin management



  • Myriad complexities: Sheer size of the basin presents a barrier to cohesive governance, compounded by the complexities of gender, poverty, social inequity, Climate change, etc. 
  • Fragmented governance: Lack of multilateral agreement enabling basinwide collaboration while bilateral agreements are focused on infrastructure projects and short-term goals. 
  • Substantial data gaps: This gap is more prominent for experiences of different genders, indigenous communities, underprivileged, etc. 



  • Climate change represents a unifying catalyst for collaboration across the basin. 
  • Existing bilateral agreements contain references to, or acknowledgement of, basin-scale issues and solutions
    • For example, Framework Agreement on Cooperation for Development (of 2011)  between India and Bangladesh has references to basin-scale issues such as climate change, and energy. 
  • Delinking of key issues in the basin from the basin-wide political system. 
  • Expand existing bilateral agreements to stimulate multilateral cooperation.
  • Support the expansion of research and data collection and sharing.
  • Strengthen the capacity of community groups to enhance local collaboration.
  • Tags :
  • Ganges Basin management
  • water governance
  • climate change
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