A World of Debt Report 2024: A growing burden to global prosperity released by UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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A World of Debt Report 2024: A growing burden to global prosperity released by UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Posted 06 Jun 2024

Updated 07 Jun 2024

2 min read

The report highlights an alarming surge in global public debt and proposes a plan to revamp the global financial system to tackle the current debt crisis. 

  • Public debt refers to general government domestic and external debt.

Key Highlights of the Report

  • Debt surge: In 2023, global public debt reached a historic peak of $97 trillion.
  • Drivers: Cascading crises and sluggish and uneven performance of the global economy. 
  • Regional Disparity: Public debt in developing countries (accounting for 30% of the global total) is rising at twice the rate of developed countries.
    • In 2023, India’s public debt reached US$ 2.9 trillion, accounting for 82.7% as a share of GDP

Implications of high public debt:

  • High fiscal burden: More than half of developing countries allocate at least 8% of government revenues to interest payments.
  • Decreased developmental spending: 3.3 billion individuals reside in nations where interest payments exceed spending on education and health combined.
  • Climate inaction: Interest outweighs climate investments in emerging and developing countries.

Roadmap to finance sustainable development:

  • Inclusive International Financial Architecture with increased participation of developing countries in its governance.
  • Provide greater liquidity in times of crisis expanding contingency finance through IMF instruments.
  • Scaling up affordable long-term financing through transformation and expansion of Multilateral Development Banks.

Initiatives to solve debt crisis:

  • Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative by IMF and World Bank.
  • Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) program of UNCTAD.
  • Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable (GSDR): Launched in February 2023 by the IMF in coordination with the World Bank and India’s G20 presidency.
  • Tags :
  • Global Debt
  • High public debt
  • Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative
  • Global Financial System
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