Study on Urbanization and regional climate change-linked warming of Indian cities | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Study on Urbanization and regional climate change-linked warming of Indian cities

Posted 12 Jun 2024

2 min read

The study based on data from 141 prominent Indian cities showcases that cities are vulnerable to the compounding effects of both climate change and urbanization.

Key Findings:

  • Urbanization alone has led to an overall 60% enhancement in warming in Indian cities, with eastern Tier-II cities leading the way.
    • Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect: The altered thermodynamic, aerodynamic properties of the cities tend to trap more heat, making cities warmer than their rural and suburban counterparts.
  • Cities are experiencing enhanced warming—almost double—relative to the entire Indian domain.
  • While urbanization and associated energy demands contribute to emissions and climate change, cities are on frontlines of climate change impacts due to dense population and infrastructure. 

Urbanisation driving warming in Indian Cities 

  • Reduction in vegetation and green spaces.
  • Concrete and asphalt store heat during day and release it during night, preventing evaporative cooling that typically occurs in natural landscapes.
  • Increased human activities, vehicular emissions, and industrial output contribute to higher levels of greenhouse gases, further amplifying the heat.

Way Forward

  • Pace and course of urbanisation must be carefully planned using strong scientific information.
  • Comprehensive city-level climate-action plans are needed for sustainable urban development.
  • Strategic implementation of policies targeting climate resilience

Steps taken by India 

  • National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (NMSH) 2021-2030: Promote low-carbon urban growth and build resilience of cities. 
  • ‘Ease of Living Index’ (launched in 2018) to improve urban systems to enhance the liveability of cities.
  • Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework (CSCAF) 2.0 will facilitate cities to adopt, implement and disseminate best practices.
  • Tags :
  • Climate change
  • Urban Heat island
  • Urbanization
  • Warming of cities
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