Dead Zone | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 15 Jun 2024

8 min read

Dead Zone

NOAA forecasts above-average summer 'dead zone' in Gulf of Mexico. 

Dead Zone (Hypoxic area)

  • An area of low oxygen that can kill fish and other marine life.
  • Causes:
    • Natural: Stratification in the water column restricts the supply of oxygen from surface waters to more saline bottom waters.
      • Black Sea is largest dead zone that occurs naturally. 
    • Anthropogenic: Eutrophication, i.e. when a body of water gets too many nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen due to  agricultural runoff, fossil-fuel burning, and wastewater treatment effluent.  
      • This causes algal bloom which prevents light from penetrating the water’s surface.
  • Tags :
  • Dead Zones
  • Hypoxic
  • Eutrophication


National Stock Exchange (NSE) chief cautioned retail investors against derivatives trading.

About Derivatives

  • Definition: Derivatives are financial contracts that draw their value from an underlying asset. 
    • The underlying asset can be a commodity, security, currency, or index. 
  • Purpose: Can be used for hedging purposes or speculation.
  • Types: Common types of derivatives include futures, options, and swaps. Derivatives are used for hedging or speculation
  • Derivatives Market 
    • In India, the derivative market is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
    • India has two types of derivative markets: 
      • Exchanges-traded: Standardised contracts are traded on an exchange.
      • Over-the-Counter (OTC). It is decentralised. Contracts are negotiated directly between two parties.
  • Tags :
  • SEBI
  • Derivatives
  • Derivatives Trading

Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)

India-IORA Cruise Tourism Conference held in New Delhi.

About IORA

  • Genesis: An inter-governmental organisation established in 1997 and based on the visions of Nelson Mandela. 
  • Aim: Strengthening regional cooperation and sustainable development within IOR.
  • Members: 23 members (including India).
  • Priority areas: Maritime Safety & Security, Disaster Risk Management etc. 
  • Specialised agencies: Regional Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (RCSTT)
  • Secretariat: Mauritius
  • Tags :
  • IORA

Environmental DNA

Researchers have shown the potential of freshwater biodiversity monitoring using eDNA. 

  • eDNA is organismal DNA that is released in the environment from cellular material shed by organisms (via skin, excrement, etc.) into aquatic or terrestrial environments.
  • eDNA is increasingly being used to detect the presence of species and assess biodiversity in an ecosystem. 
    • Unlike conventional methods, eDNA approach is reliable, and accurate, and can be done at a low cost.
  • This information can be used to inform the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and other conservation tools.
  • Tags :
  • Environmental DNA
  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
  • eDNA


Indian Army received First indigenous Loitering Munition suicide drones Nagastra-1. 

About Nagastra-1

  • Developed by Solar Industries' Economics Explosives Ltd (EEL) Nagpur.
  • Can neutralise hostile threats in 'kamikaze mode' with GPS-enabled precision strikes with an accuracy of up to 2 metres.
    • Kamikaze refers to members of a Japanese air attack corps in World War II assigned to make a suicidal crash on a target (such as a ship)
    • However, Nagastra-1 is capable of carrying out precision strikes on enemy camps without endangering the lives of soldiers.
  • Equipped with day-and-night surveillance cameras. 
  • Carries a 1 kg high-explosive fragmenting warhead.
  • Unique features include abort, recover and reuse, facilitated by a parachute recovery mechanism
  • Tags :
  • Nagastra-1
  • kamikaze mode

Divya Drishti

A start-up has developed an AI tool “Divya Drishti”. 

About Divya Drishti

  • Creates a robust and multifaceted authentication system by combining facial recognition with gait analysis.
  • It ensures accuracy in identification, minimizing the risk of false positives or identity fraud. 
  • Developed under the guidance of Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR), a laboratory of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • Applications: Defence, Law Enforcement, Corporate and Public Infrastructure.
  • Tags :
  • Divya Drishti
  • Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR)

Truenat Platform

India’s Truenat Platform (developed by Goa-based Molbio) for TB detection received appreciation at the World Health Assembly. 

About Truenat Platform

  • It is a handheld, battery- operated, real- time, rapid molecular test for the diagnosis of pulmonary, extrapulmonary, and rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis.
  • It can be deployed in health centres, labs, and fields.
  • It delivers test results in less than an hour and can serve more than 40 diseases. 
  • Tags :
  • Truenat platform
  • Tuberculosis

Kavli Prize

The Kavli Prize winners were announced, honouring breakthroughs in astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience. 

Kavli Prize

  • This biennial award, established by Norwegian-American philanthropist Fred Kavli (1927-2013), is given by the US-based Kavli Foundation in partnership with the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.
  • Each award includes a $1 million cash prize, a scroll, and a 7 cm diameter medal.
  • Although it was designed to be like the Nobel in the fields of astrophysics, neuroscience, and nanoscience, it does not restrict achievements to the preceding year.
  • Tags :
  • Kavli Prize
  • Astrophysics
  • Nanoscience
  • Neuroscience
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