Second meeting of U.S.-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) held in New Delhi | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Second meeting of U.S.-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) held in New Delhi

Posted 19 Jun 2024

2 min read

iCET led by Indian National Security Council Secretariat and U.S. National Security Council was launched in 2023.

  • It is a framework for cooperation on CET in areas including space, semiconductors, telecommunications, clean energy, biotechnology, etc.

Key highlights

  • Innovation: Unlock over combined $90 million in government funding over next five years for U.S.-India Global Challenges Institute to foster research partnerships in areas of semiconductor technology, sustainable agriculture, etc.
  • Space Technology Cooperation: Both sides agreed to- 
    • Launch NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar, jointly developed satellite to map Earth's surface twice every 12 days as part of efforts to combat climate change.
    • Explore opportunities to participate in Lunar Gateway Programme (LGP).
      • LGP aims to build a space station around moon as part of collaborative Artemis programme headed by US.
  • Telecommunications: Partnerships to deploy cost-effective Open Radio Access Network technology; strengthen cooperation in 6G technologies etc.
  • Biotechnology: 
    • Developing joint Strategic Framework for optimizing and strengthening global biopharmaceutical supply chain.
    • Launch of “Bio-X” initiative to promote cooperation in biotechnology and enhance competitiveness of biotechnology industries.
  • Clean Energy: Enhancing Mineral security partnership through co-invest in lithium resource project in South America and rare earths deposit in Africa.

Significance of ICET

  • Vital for India's growing role as a trusted supply chain partner and contributor in the global technology value chain.
  • Deals directly with disruptive domains which are central to the next Industrial Revolution and future warfare. 
  • Open new markets for India’s deep technology players.
  • Tags :
  • iCET
  • NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar
  • Lunar Gateway Programme (LGP)
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