Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) completes its Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) technology demonstrations | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) completes its Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) technology demonstrations

Posted 24 Jun 2024

2 min read

ISRO has achieved a third consecutive success in the final test of RLV Landing EXperiment (LEX), following the success of RLV LEX-01 and LEX-02 missions.

  • RLV LEX is part of RLV-Technology Demonstration Programme, which aims to develop essential technologies for a fully reusable launch vehicle to enable low cost access to space.
    • Under it, a series of TD missions including HEX-01 mission (2016), three LEX missions have been conducted and RLV Orbital Re-entry Experiment (ORE) has been planned.

About RLV LEX-03

  • This mission simulated high-speed landing conditions for a vehicle returning from space.
  • Test was conducted with a winged vehicle, named ‘Pushpak’ which autonomously approached the runway and performed a precise horizontal landing.
    • Unlike the SpaceX’s Falcon 9 that lands back vertically, Pushpak has wings to help it glide horizontally.

ISRO’s RLV-Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) Vehicle

  • RLV-TD has been configured to act as a flying test bed to evaluate various technologies, namely, hypersonic flight, autonomous landing and powered cruise flight.
  • It consists of a fuselage (body), a nose cap, double delta wings and twin vertical tails and looks similar to an aircraft.
  • RLV-TD will be scaled up to become the first stage of India’s reusable two stage orbital launch vehicle.

Previous experiments under RLV-TD Programme

  • RLV-TD HEX-01 (hypersonic experiment) mission, 2016: It validated autonomous navigation, guidance & control, reusable thermal protection system and re-entry mission management. 
  • RLV LEX-01 (2023) and LEX-02 (March 2024) missions: ISRO validated the indigenously developed technologies in the areas of navigation, control systems, landing gear and deceleration systems essential for performing a high-speed autonomous landing of a space-returning vehicle. 
  • Tags :
  • Reusable Launch Vehicle
  • RLV-TD HEX-01
  • RLV LEX-01
  • LEX-02
  • RLV LEX-03
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