Ministry of Mines launched Fourth Tranche of Auction of Critical and Strategic Minerals in New Delhi | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Ministry of Mines launched Fourth Tranche of Auction of Critical and Strategic Minerals in New Delhi

Posted 25 Jun 2024

2 min read

In this tranche, 21 critical mineral blocks will be auctioned containing contain a variety of minerals including Graphite, Glauconite, Phosphorite, Potash, Nickel, Phosphate and Rare Earth Elements (REE).

About Critical Minerals

  • Critical minerals are elements that are building blocks of essential modern-day technologies and are at risk of supply chain disruptions due to limited global production and geopolitical factors.
  • In 2023, 30 strategically important Critical Minerals were identified by Ministry of Mine including Antimony, Beryllium, Bismuth, Copper, Gallium, etc.

Significance of Critical Minerals

  • Economic growth: Cobalt, nickel, and lithium are important for the telecommunication industry, manufacturing of electric vehicle batteries etc. 
  • Clean energy: REEs are critical for green technologies like semiconductors, solar panels and wind turbines etc.
  • National Security and Defense: Cobalt is used in military technologies like smart bombs, aircraft, and precision-guided missiles.

Associated concerns

  • Concentration of extraction or processing in a few geographical locations could lead to supply chain vulnerabilities.
    • For instance, the Lithium triangle consists of Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia.
  • India relies on imports for its silver, and cobalt needs, predominantly sourced from China.

Initiatives taken with respect to Critical Minerals

  • India- Australia Critical Minerals Investment Partnership.
  • India has joined Minerals Security Partnership that aims to catalyse public and private investment in critical mineral supply chains globally.
  • Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL), mandated to identify and acquire overseas mineral assets of critical and strategic nature like lithium, cobalt etc.
  • Tags :
  • Critical Minerals
  • Mineral
  • Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL)
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