Impact of Political Representation on Forest Conservation: A study finds insights from the PESA Act | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Impact of Political Representation on Forest Conservation: A study finds insights from the PESA Act

Posted 26 Jun 2024

2 min read

Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas Act (PESA), 1996 extended the provisions of part IX of the Constitution relating to Panchayats to Scheduled Areas under Fifth Schedule of the Constitution.

  • Scheduled area under fifth schedule are compact economically backward areas with preponderance of tribal population and a viable administrative entity.

About PESA

  • PESA directs establishment of Gram Sabha to manage and protect natural resources, have rights over minor forest produce, and powers to restore land to tribals.
  • PESA also introduced an electoral quota that requires all chairperson positions, as well as at least half the seats on each local government councils to be reserved for Scheduled Tribes (STs).

Findings of study

  • Boosting ST representation through PESA led to average increase of tree canopy by 3% per year and reduced deforestation.
  • Other legislations, which does not ensure political representation for STs such as 73rd amendment in non-scheduled areas and Forest Rights Act 2006, had no positive conservation effects
  • Forest stewardship: STs have economic incentive to protect forests, as their livelihoods are based on non-timber forest produce, thus improving overall health of forests.
  • Opposition to mining: ST representation led to increased incidences of opposition against mining projects.

Recommendations for improving forest conservation

  • Mandated political representation for marginalized populations is a potential institutional mechanism that can yield improvements in conservation efforts.
  • Vesting power in umbrella institutions such as inclusive multi-purpose village councils, rather than targeted community resource management institutions, can better address the dual policy challenges of forest management and development.
  • Tags :
  • Scheduled Areas
  • PESA
  • Forest Conservation
  • Scheduled Tribes
  • Fifth Schedule
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