RBI reviews Ways and Means Advances Scheme of State Governments/ UTs | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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RBI reviews Ways and Means Advances Scheme of State Governments/ UTs

Posted 29 Jun 2024

2 min read

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has increased the Ways and Means Advance (WMA) limit of States/UT to Rs 60,118 crore from existing Rs 47,010 crore.

  • This will enable Sates/UTs to better manage their fiscal situation.
  • Apart from WMA, Special Drawing Facility (SDF), and Overdraft (OD) facility are important financial accommodation instruments availed by States/UTs. 
    • These instruments are governed by under the RBI Act, 1934. 

About Ways and Means Advance (WMA) 

  • Advances to States/UTs provided by RBI to meet temporary mismatches in the cash flows of receipts and payments.
    • Facility is also available for the Union Government. 
  • Types: Normal WMA and  Special WMA (now known as Special Drawing Facility (SDF))
    • First, a state/UT is provided with a special WMA and after its exhaustion, it gets a normal WMA. 
    • Special WMA has lower interest rate than Normal WMA
  • Interest rates are linked to Repo rate

About Special Drawing Facility (SDF)

  • Availed by State against the collateral of Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF), Guarantee Redemption Fund (GRF), Auction Treasury Bills (ATBs), etc.
    • CSF and GRF are reserve funds maintained by some State with the RBI. 

About Overdraft Facility

  • Facility is provided whenever financial accommodation to a State exceeds its SDF and WMA limits.
  • Generally, State Governments/UTs can avail overdraft on 14 consecutive days (relaxation can be provided by RBI). 
  • Tags :
  • WMA
  • Financial Accommodation by RBI
  • Special Drawing Facility
  • Ways and Means Advance
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