Without reforms, UNSC is ill-equipped to Address Global Challenges: G4 Nations | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Without reforms, UNSC is ill-equipped to Address Global Challenges: G4 Nations

Posted 14 Aug 2024

2 min read

India on behalf of G4 Nations asserted that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) needs reforms to tackle global challenges like extremism, cyber security threat, etc.

  • G4 Nations (aka Group of Four resolution) includes Japan, Brazil, Germany and India as members and all of whom are aspiring to become permanent members of the Council.
    • Group has proposed that Council's membership shall be increased from 15 to 25, by adding six permanent and four non-permanent members.

Need of UNSC Reform

  • Lack of representation: Like non representation of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the under-representation of Asia Pacific in the permanent category.
  • Declining Credibility: Failed in resolving conflicts. E.g. Russia- Ukraine
  • Interest based Decision Making: Veto power is used by permanent members to fulfil their interest. E.g. China vetoed Indian resolution for designating certain persons as global terrorist.
  • For India: Enhancing say in global issues, especially related with global south, policy making on issues like terrorism, etc. 

Challenges in Reforms

  •  Require amendments in the United Nations Charter
  • Reforms proposed by G4 and L.69 Group (cross-regional grouping of developing) are opposed by group like Uniting for Consensus (the Coffee Club). 
    • Main countries behind the Coffee Club are Italy, Pakistan, etc. 
  • Lack of substantive progress of Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN) on Council reform.

About UNSC

  • Genesis: Established by the UN Charter in 1945. It is one of the six principal organs of the UN.
  • Function:Maintenance of international peace and security.
  • Structure: Out of 15 members, 5 are permanent member and 10 are non-permanent member(elected for a term of 2 years).
    • Permanent member includes US, China, United Kingdom, Russia and France


  • Tags :
  • G4 nation
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
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