Status of Leopards in India Report 2022 released by Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Status of Leopards in India Report 2022 released by Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Posted 01 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Leopard population estimation (5th cycle) was carried out by the National Tiger Conservation Authority and Wildlife Institute of India in collaboration with State Forest Departments.
    • It was in collaboration with State Forest Departments, as part of the quadrennial “Monitoring of Tiger, Co-predators, prey and their Habitat-2022”.
    • It focused on forested habitats within 18 tiger states, covering four major tiger conservation landscapes.
    • Non-forested habitats, arid, and high Himalayas above 2000 meters were not sampled for leopards.


  • Key findings 
    • Leopard population is estimated at 13,874 with a 1.08% growth in terms of sampled area compared to 2018.
    • Central India and Eastern Ghats registered the largest growth, Shivaliks and Gangetic plains registered  decline
    • State with highest population: Madhya Pradesh followed by Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
    • Tiger reserve with highest population: Nagarajunasagar Srisailam followed by Panna, and  Satpura.


  • About Indian Leopards (Panthera pardus fusca)
    • Protection Status: 
      • IUCN- Vulnerable
      • CITES- Appendix I
      • Schedule 1 of Wildlife protection act 1972
    • Habitat:  India, Nepal, Bhutan, and parts of Pakistan, excluding mangrove forests and deserts.
    • Characteristics:
      • Solitary and Nocturnal in nature.
      • skilled climbers, and rest on the branches of trees.
  • Tags :
  • Leopards in India
  • Wildlife protection act 1972
  • Panthera pardus fusca
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