Crop Husbandry, Agriculture Inputs, Demand and Supply report released by NITI Aayog | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Crop Husbandry, Agriculture Inputs, Demand and Supply report released by NITI Aayog

Posted 04 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Key highlights
    • Positives of Agriculture:
      • Domestic production sufficiently meets the demand for most food commodities, except edible oils and pulses. 
      • Agricultural exports have been rising steadily, and the export basket is also changing.
        • India, with a share of 40% in global rice (Semi-milled) exports, is the largest exporter. 
    • Major Challenges:
      • Land and water resources will further shrink in future on account of their competing demand for domestic, energy and industrial uses.
      • Food production system will also come under a confluence of several biotic and abiotic pressures, including climate change and infestation of insect pests and diseases, etc.
      • Deceleration in the growth of oilseeds production on account of the stagnation in their area. 
        • India imports about 60% of its edible oil demand.


  • Recommendations
    • Land use planning i.e evolving economically feasible cropping patterns suited to the resource endowments of different agro-ecological zones.
    • Limit open-ended procurement of rice and wheat as it acts as a disincentive for diversification. 
      • Compensate farmers for additional surplus through a price deficiency scheme.
    • Promote millet consumption and production.
    • Other recommendations: Enhance pulses production,Establish seed hub, promote climate-resilient technologies and practices, etc.


Government initiatives for crop diversifications

  • Crop Diversification Programme (CDP), a sub-scheme of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) to divert the area of water intensive paddy crop to alternative crops.
  • The state can promote crop diversification under RKVY with the approval of State Level Sanctioning Committee.
  • National Food Security Mission (NFSM): The government of India supplements the efforts of state governments to encourage diversified production of crops
  • Tags :
  • Crop Diversification
  • Agro-ecological zones
  • Agro-exports
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