Role of Internet in Drug Trafficking and Use highlighted in International Narcotics Control Board Annual Report 2023 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Role of Internet in Drug Trafficking and Use highlighted in International Narcotics Control Board Annual Report 2023

Posted 09 Mar 2024

Updated 25 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • As per report, Internet has increased the availability of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and related chemicals on illicit market. 


  • Role of Internet in Drug Trafficking 
    • Cryptomarkets (online darknet marketplaces located on Deep Web) are being used for wholesale drug trade, because of anonymity and safety.
    • Various social media platforms are being used as local marketplaces and inappropriate content is accessible to children and adolescents.
    • Using Internet pharmacies and telemedicine, patient safety is at risk from illegal internet outlets that sell drugs without prescription.
    • Global trade in illicit pharmaceuticals is estimated at $4.4 billion.


  • Challenges posed by Internet to Drug Control
    • Encrypted communication methods posing difficulties for prosecuting online trafficking offences.
    • Due to global-reach of Internet, offenders use regions with less stringent law enforcement to evade extradition. 
    • Online presence of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. 


  • Recommendations 
    • Online platforms should be used to prevent non-medical use of drugs and raise awareness about harms of drug use.
    • Formulate legislation and policy to prosecute illegal marketplaces operating on social media platforms.
    • Utilizing real-time counter-trafficking tools to develop actionable intelligence against traffickers that exploit e-commerce services.


International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)

  • Secretariat: Vienna, Austria
  • Established in 1968 in accordance with Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
  • It is an independent and quasi-judicial monitoring body for implementation of United Nations international drug control conventions.
  • It has 13 members, each elected by Economic and Social Council for a period of five years.
  • INCB initiatives to prevent Internet exploitation for drug trafficking 
    • Global Rapid Interdiction of Dangerous Substances (GRIDS) Programme.
    • Project International Operations on New psychoactive substances (ION).
  • Tags :
  • drug trafficking
  • Deep Web
  • INCB
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