Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) signed between India and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) signed between India and European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

Posted 11 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Agreement comprises of 14 chapters with main focus on market access related to goods, rules of origin, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, investment promotion, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), etc.
  • Key highlights 
    • EFTA committed to promote investments, with aim to increase stock of foreign direct investments by USD 100 billion (excluding Foreign Portfolio Investment) in India in next 15 years.
    • For the first-time in history of FTAs, legal commitment made about promoting target-oriented investment and creation of jobs.
    • EFTA’s market access offer covers 100% of non-agri products and tariff concession on Processed Agricultural Products (PAP).
    • Commitments related to IPR in TEPA are at TRIPS level.
    • Services offers from EFTA include better access through digital delivery of Services, commercial presence, and improved commitments and certainty for entry and temporary stay of key personnel.
    • Provisions for Mutual Recognition Agreements in Professional Services like nursing, chartered accountants, architects etc.
  • Significance of TEPA
    • Foster transparency, efficiency, simplification, harmonization and consistency of trade procedures.
    • Empower Indian exporters’ access to specialized inputs and create conducive trade and investment environment.
    • Give impetus to “Make in India” and Atmanirbhar Bharat in sectors such as Manufacturing, Machinery, Pharmaceuticals, etc.


European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

  • An intergovernmental organization for promotion and intensification of free trade.
  • Present members: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.
    • These countries are not part of the European Union (EU).
  • Founded by Stockholm Convention in 1960 with its 7 founding members (Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland).
  • Tags :
  • FTA
  • EFTA
  • TEPA
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