Department of Pharmaceuticals of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers announces Revamped Pharmaceuticals Technology Upgradation Assistance Scheme (RPTUAS) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Department of Pharmaceuticals of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers announces Revamped Pharmaceuticals Technology Upgradation Assistance Scheme (RPTUAS)

Posted 12 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Key highlights
    • Background: Erstwhile PTUAS is a component of Strengthening of Pharmaceutical Industry (SPI) Scheme
      • SPI Scheme aims to strengthen the existing infrastructure facilities to make India a global leader in the Pharma Sector.
    • Aim
      • To support the pharmaceutical industry's up-gradation to the Revised Schedule-M & WHO-GMP standards
        • Schedule-M of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rule, 1945 provides good manufacturing practices (GMP) for pharmaceutical products.
      •  Enhancing the quality and safety of pharmaceutical products manufactured in India.
    • Broadened Eligibility Criteria: Any pharmaceutical manufacturing unit that requires technology and quality upgradation and fulfils turnover criteria (refer to infographics).
      • Preference remains for MSMEs. 
        • Earlier the scheme covered only MSME pharmaceuticals.
    • Broadened eligible activities: Activities eligible for incentive include, water and steam utilities, testing laboratories, stability chambers waste management etc.
    • Flexible Financing Options: Emphasizes on a reimbursement basis subsidy over a traditional credit-linked approach. 
    • Allows integration with state government scheme: This provision will enable units to benefit from additional top-up assistance.
    • Enhanced Verification: Verification through a Project Management Agency for ensuring transparency, accountability and the efficient allocation of resources.
  • Tags :
  • Revamped Pharmaceuticals Technology Upgradation Assistance Scheme
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
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