Study titled ‘Of the Women, By the Women, For the NATION’ released by SBI | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Study titled ‘Of the Women, By the Women, For the NATION’ released by SBI

Posted 13 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Study aims to capture the changing landscape of SHGs through analysis of credit utilization and digital behavior matrices of SHGs/ SHG members/ Lakhpati Didis.
    • A Lakhpati Didi is a SHG member who earns an annual household income of ₹ 1 Lakh or more.
  • SHGs are voluntary organization of people operating within a framework of rules and regulations for common economic and social objectives with an approach of participatory decision-making and sharing of benefits in an equitable manner.
  • Key highlights of the report
    • Incomes of female members of SHGs have more than tripled in the last five years.
    • ~97.5% of the SHGs have bank accounts.
    • ~65% of rural SHG members have moved upwards in terms of relative income in FY24 as compared to FY19.
    • With rise in income of female SHG members, rural Female Labour Force Participation Rate (all ages) is also rising with the correlation of 0.91.
  • SHG Bank Linkage Programme (SHG - BLP)
    • Started as a pilot by NABARD in 1992-93 to link around 500 SHGs to the formal financial institutions.
    • It has now become the largest microfinance programme for delivering financial services to poor in a sustainable manner.

Other initiatives for empowerment of SHGs

  • Micro Enterprise Development Programme: For need-based skill development for matured SHGs.
  • Livelihood and Enterprise Development Programmes: Envisages conduct of livelihood promotion programmes in clusters.
  • Scheme for promotion of Women SHGs (WSHGs) in backward & LWE districts of India
  • National Rural Livelihood Mission: Provides interest subvention to eligible SHGs.
  • Tags :
  • Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
  • SHG Bank Linkage Programme (SHG - BLP)
  • Lakhpati Didi
  • SHGs
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