Ministry of New and Renewable Energy unveils guidelines for various sub-components of National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Ministry of New and Renewable Energy unveils guidelines for various sub-components of National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM)

Posted 20 Mar 2024

Updated 28 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Green Hydrogen is the hydrogen produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen (electrolysis) using renewable energy.


  • About NGHM
    • Period: FY 2023-24 to FY 2029-30. 
    • Objective: To make India a Global Hub for producing, utilizing, and exporting Green Hydrogen and its derivatives. 
    • Mission Sub Components: Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) Program, Green Hydrogen Hubs, R&D programme, Skill Development and others. 


  • Guidelines for different sub-components of NGHM:
    • Green Hydrogen Hubs: Aims to set up at least two hubs by FY2025-26, with support for development of core infrastructure at hubs.
      • Hydrogen hub is an identified geographical region with network of hydrogen producers, end use with sufficient infrastructure for storage, processing and transportation. 
    • Skilling, up-skilling and re-skilling: Through Short Term Training (STT), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), and creating Centres of Excellence.
    • SIGHT Program - Component I: Incentive Scheme for Electrolyzer Manufacturing: To provide support for electrolyser manufacturing.
      • Implementation by MNRE through Solar Energy Corporation of India.
      • SIGHT component II deals with incentives on production of green hydrogen
    • R&D Scheme: R&D support for hydrogen production, storage, compression, transportation, utilization etc. till FY2025-26.
  • Tags :
  • Green Hydrogen
  • NGHM Sub-components
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