UN World Water Development Report 2024 focused on ‘Water for Prosperity and Peace’ was released | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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UN World Water Development Report 2024 focused on ‘Water for Prosperity and Peace’ was released

Posted 23 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Report recognises water’s critical role in ensuring peace and prosperity (refer to the box) but finds that there is no conclusive evidence that the next wars will be over water. 


  • Key highlights of report 
    • Current Status of water resources
      • Agriculture accounts for ~70% of freshwater withdrawals. 
      • Lake Chad has decreased in size by 90% over 60 years. 
      • While cooperation over shared surface water appears to be gaining momentum, groundwater resources remain grossly neglected.
    • Attaining SDG 6 (water for all by 2030) is challenging
      • ~50% of the world’s population experiences severe water scarcity for at least part of the year.
      • Northwest India and North China are among world’s top three hotspots of water-related risks to food production.
    • Prevalence of Water–Prosperity Paradox
      • Developed water resource infrastructure can promote growth and prosperity, however, only richest countries can afford them. 


  • Key recommendations: Sustainable management of water resources can be ensured by:
    • Transboundary agreements.
    • Increased private investment ((universal access to water will require an annual investment of around US $114 billion until 2030).
    • Decoupling water and production in Industries.
      • For example, Tata Chemicals cut the use of groundwater by 99.4% within a year through recycling and water management. 


Linkage of water with peace and prosperity

  • Water and peace: Water scarcity may lead to
    • an increase in local disputes as being seen in the Sahel region.
    • Migration that may increase tension in settlement areas.
    • heightened food insecurity.
  • Water and prosperity: 
    • Water helps maintain environmental integrity 
    • In low and lower-middle-income countries around 70-80% of the jobs are water dependent.
    • Water is critical for inclusivity (Girls and women are the first victims of water scarcity as it undermines their education, economic participation and safety). 
  • Tags :
  • Water and Prosperity
  • UN Water Development Report 2024
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