50 years of Chipko Movement | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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50 years of Chipko Movement

Posted 22 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • Chipko movement was a non-violent protest to prevent felling of trees in Himalayas that begun in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand (then Uttar Pradesh) in 1973 under the leadership of Sundarlal Bahuguna, Gaura Devi, etc.
    • Name of the movement ‘chipko’ comes from the word ’embrace’, as the villagers hugged the trees to prevent their felling. 
    •  Original Chipko movement started by Rajasthan’s Bishnoi community in 18th century to save sacred trees.
  • Chipko movement is renowned for its collective mobilization of women in the effort to conserve forests, manifesting the philosophy of Eco-feminism.
  • Eco-feminism: It is a philosophical and political movement that examines connections between ecological concerns and women.
    • It contends that our culture is dominated by a capitalist patriarchal system, where societal values and ethics are dictated by a profit-driven, sexist, and male-centric society.
  • Reasons behind emergence of Eco-feminism:
    • Interconnectedness of exploitation and degradation of the natural environment and the subjugation of women in patriarchal societies.
    • Significance of traditional knowledge often held and transmitted by women, in promoting sustainable practices.
    • Women’s lived experiences where women have close and direct relationships with natural environment, being responsible for collecting water, firewood, etc.
  • Contemporary relevance of Eco-feminism: Critique of capitalist exploitation, valuing traditional ecological knowledge, recognition of Environmental Justice, etc.

Other Important Eco-feminist movement

  • Narmada Bachao Andolan (1985): Led by environmental activist Medha Patkar against construction of large dam on Narmada.
  • Appiko Movement (1980s): Inspired by the Chipko movement, women in Karnataka's Western Ghats embraced trees to prevent deforestation. 
  • Silent Valley Movement (1973): To save a rainforest from being flooded for a hydroelectric project in Kerala.
  • Women’s fight against human and environmental injustice in the infamous Bhopal Gas tragedy.
  • Tags :
  • Chipko Movement
  • Eco-feminism
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