Sugar content of Nestle infant milk in poorer countries is higher than in developed countries | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Sugar content of Nestle infant milk in poorer countries is higher than in developed countries

Posted 19 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • Public Eye, a Swiss investigative organization, and International Baby Food Action Network revealed it.
    • According to World Health Organization (WHO), early exposure to sugar creates a lifelong preference for sugar increasing the risk of obesity and other chronic illnesses.
  • This double standard raises ethical concerns and underscores the need for ethical and responsible business practices. 


  • Ethical concerns
    • Breach  of trust: Selling an inferior product breaches consumer trust.
    • Health Impact:  It shows disregard of the company towards the health of the people  in the developing world for profit maximization.
    • Against the principle of fairness: as the company is differentiating between rich and poor countries customer.
    • Lack of transparency and accountability: about ingredients and the negative impacts of the product. 


  • Regulations for ensuring the quality of food products
    • The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of internationally recognized standards, guidelines, and codes of practice for food safety and quality.
      • Developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a joint body of the Food and Agriculture Organization and WHO.
    • The Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, defines food safety and establishes the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India as the apex regulatory body for food safety and quality in India.
  • Tags :
  • Food safety
  • Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI)
  • Codex Alimentarius
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