Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued Heatwave alert | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued Heatwave alert

Posted 06 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • IMD predicted that above normal heatwave days are likely to occur over most parts of south peninsula, central India, east India and plains of northwest India during April to June hot weather season.


  • Heatwave is a condition of air temperature which becomes fatal to the human body when exposed.
    • IMD declares a heatwave when the temperature of a place crosses 40 degrees Celsius (°C) in the plains, 37°C in the coastal areas and 30°C in the hills. Further, it uses following criterion:
    • Based on departure from Normal Temperature 
      • Heat Wave: Between 4.5°C to 6.4°C from normal
      • Severe Heat Wave>6.4°C
    • Based on departure from Actual Maximum Temperature (for plains only)
      • Heat Wave≥ 45°C
      • Severe Heat Wave≥47°C


  • Favorable conditions
    • Transportation / Prevalence of hot dry air over a region
    • Absence of moisture in the upper atmosphere. 
    • Sky should be cloudless (allows maximum insulation over the region).
    • Large amplitude anti-cyclonic flow over the area.


  • Impacts of HeatwavesHealth hazards such as heat stroke; increase strain on water and energy sources, Food insecurity (as it can cause wilting, stunting or early ripening of crops), etc.


Key Initiatives

  • IMD issues colour code impact based heat warning jointly with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). 
    • It includes Green (No action), Yellow Alert (Be updated), Orange Alert (Be prepared) and Red Alert (Take Action). 
  • NDMA's ‘Guidelines for Preparation of Action Plan – Prevention and Management of Heat-Wave.
  • Preparation of Heat Wave Action Plans by states.
  • National Action Plan on Heat Related Illnesses for effective preparedness of health facilities to address heat impact and management of cases.
  • Tags :
  • IMD
  • Heatwaves
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