Global Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) Data Released for 2021 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Global Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) Data Released for 2021

Posted 04 Jun 2024

2 min read

Data has been released by the International Comparison Program (ICP), covering 176 economies

Key Findings 

  • China ($28.8 trillion) was the largest economy in 2021, followed by US on the basis of PPP. 
  • India’s economy ($11.0 trillion) was the third largest, accounting for 7.2 % of Global GDP.
    • On the basis of GDP ranking, India is 5th largest economy at present. 
  • High-income economies with just 16.4 % of world’s population accounted for 46 % of the global GDP. On the other hand, low-income economies (8.4 % of world’s population) accounted for just 1 % of global GDP.

About PPP

  • PPP is the exchange rate at which one nation's currency would be converted into another to purchase the same amounts of a large group of products. 
  • Used to determine the relative value of different currencies.
  • Significance: Provides more accurate measure of living standards across countries than Market exchange rate (MER)-based estimates. 
    • MER often inflates the buying power of high-income countries (where prices are high) and underestimates that of low-income ones (where prices are lower). 
    • PPP exchange rates are relatively stable over time than MER.

About ICP 

  • A worldwide statistical initiative to collect comparative price data and detailed GDP expenditures to produce PPPs for the world’s economies
  • Multi-partner initiative coordinated by the World Bank under the auspices of the United Nations Statistical Commission.
  • Initiated in 1968 and has been a permanent element of the global statistical program since 2016.
  • Also measures Price Level Index (PLI).
    • PLI is the ratio of a PPP to its corresponding exchange rate.  
  • Tags :
  • PPP
  • International Comparison Program
  • Worldwide Statistical Initiative
  • Market Exchange Rate
  • Price Level Index
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