Sundhnukagigar Volcano in southwestern Iceland erupted for the fifth time since December 2023 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Sundhnukagigar Volcano in southwestern Iceland erupted for the fifth time since December 2023

Posted 04 Jun 2024

2 min read

Iceland (Land of Fire and Ice) is a volcanically active region as it is situated on Mid-Atlantic Ridge in North Atlantic Ocean, where Eurasian and North American plates are moving apart.

  • It is also part of hot-spots, leading to enhanced volcanic activity in the region.

Global Distribution of Volcanoes

  • Hotspot is an area of Earth's mantle from which hot plumes rise upward, forming volcanoes on overlying crust.
    • Example: Reunion hotspot.
  • Circum-Pacific Belt (Ring of Fire) includes more than two-third of volcanoes.
    • Example: Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand.
  • Divergent Plate Margins where one tectonic plate moves away from another.
    • Example: Mid-Atlantic Ridge (longest mountain range in world).

About Volcano

  • A vent in earth’s crust through which gases, ashes, molten lava escapes to ground.
  • They are found on both land and ocean floor.
  • Volcanic eruption released gases like Water vapour, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide etc.

Impact of Volcanoes

  • Positive
    • Volcanic materials upon weathering form fertile soils. Example: Black soil.
    • Rich source of minerals like iron, magnesium etc.
  • Negative
    • Volcanic ash and gases released increase Earth’s albedo, leading to cooling of Earth.
    • Volcanic eruptions can cause infectious diseases (conjunctivitis), chronic respiratory diseases etc. 

Types of Volcanoes 

  • Based on eruption frequency: Active, Dormant and Extinct. 
    • Barren Island (only active volcano in India) is situated in Nicobar Islands.
  • Based on type of eruption:
    • Shield or Dome: Made up of basalt, not steep. Example, Hawaiian volcanoes.
    • Composite Volcanoes (Strato Volcanoes): Steep sides than shield volcanoes. Example: Mount Fuji, Japan.
    • Caldera: Most explosive volcanoes. Example: Yellowstone supervolcano, USA.
  • Tags :
  • Iceland
  • Volcano
  • Mid-Atlantic ridge
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