State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2024: World Bank report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2024: World Bank report

Posted 05 Jun 2024

Updated 11 Jun 2024

2 min read

Key findings of the report

  • Carbon Pricing (CP) revenues in 2023 exceeded USD 100 billion for the first time.
  • There are 75 global CP instruments in operation, covering around 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions. 
    • Brazil, India, and Türkiye have made notable progress towards CP implementation.
  • China and India are largest host countries in terms of issuances of Carbon Credits.

Carbon pricing (CP) is an instrument that attaches a cost to greenhouse gas emissions, typically through CO2 pricing mechanisms.

Main types of CP

  • An emissions trading system (ETS): It is a system where emitters can trade emission units to meet their emission targets.
    • Types of ETSs are: Cap-and-trade systems and Baseline-and-credit systems
  • Carbon tax: It directly sets a price per unit of greenhouse gas emissions or carbon content.

Benefits of CP

  • Place the burden of emissions damage on polluters.
  • Spur investment and innovation in clean technology.
  • Facilitate Paris Agreement emissions pathways for below 2°C/1.5°C warming.

CP at national level

  • In 2023, India introduced the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS).
  • Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme implemented by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
  • Clean Energy Cess of Rs.400/- per tonne of coal.

CP at Global Level

  • Carbon pricing took off under the Kyoto Protocol (1997) with three market-based mechanisms:
    • International emissions trading (IET), the clean development mechanism (CDM) and joint implementation (JI).
  • Article 6 of the Paris Agreement allows countries to transfer carbon credits earned from the reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions.
  • Tags :
  • Global carbon emissions
  • emissions trading system (ETS)
  • Carbon tax
  • Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS).
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