TRISHNA - ISRO announces Indo-French Thermal Imaging Mission | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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TRISHNA - ISRO announces Indo-French Thermal Imaging Mission

Posted 07 Jun 2024

2 min read

TRISHNA (Thermal Infra-Red Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural Resource Assessment) mission is a collaborative endeavor between ISRO and CNES (French Space Agency) to monitor surface temperature and water management at regional to global scale.

About TRISHNA Mission

  • Objective: Detailed monitoring of energy and water budgets of continental biosphere for quantifying terrestrial water stress and water use and high-resolution observation of water quality and dynamics.
    • It will also help in a comprehensive assessment of urban heat islands, detection of thermal anomalies linked to volcanic activity and geothermal resources, etc.
  • 2 Primary payloads
    • Thermal Infra-Red (TIR) payload: Provided by CNES, features a four-channel long-wave infrared imaging sensor.
    • Visible - Near Infra-Red - Short Wave Infra-Red (VNIR-SWIR) payload: Developed by ISRO, includes seven spectral bands designed for detailed mapping of surface reflectance.
  • It will operate in a Sun-synchronous (SSO) orbit and is designed for a 5-year operational life.
    • SSO is a particular kind of polar orbit in which satellites are synchronized to always be in the same position relative to the Sun.
  • Significance: Climate monitoring such as droughts, permafrost changes, and evapotranspiration rates; better urban planning with detailed urban heat island maps and heat alerts; etc.

India’s International Space Cooperation

  • India-France: Strategic Space Dialogues, signed Letter of Intent on Defense Space Cooperation, space exchanges and defense space industrial cooperation, etc.
  • India-US: Bilateral space situational awareness arrangement (2022), NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) Mission, etc.
  • Others: Lunar Polar Exploration (LUPEX) Mission between India and Japan, South Asia Satellite (SAS) to boost communication and improve disaster links among India’s 6 neighbors, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Strategic Space Dialogues
  • Sun-synchronous Orbit
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