AI creating false stories about World War II, Holocaust: UNESCO | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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AI creating false stories about World War II, Holocaust: UNESCO

Posted 20 Jun 2024

Updated 21 Jun 2024

2 min read

A recent report by UNESCO cautioned that not only can Generative AI enable malicious actors to seed disinformation and hate-fueled narratives, but it can also inadvertently invent false or misleading content about historical records.

  • Generative AI is an artificial intelligence technology that automatically generates content in response to prompts written in natural-language conversational interfaces.

Concerns highlighted in the report

  • AI automated content may invent facts: Generative AI risks spreading distorted and offensive representations of facts which can impede public understanding of historical events.
  • AI models can be manipulated to spread hate speech: AI systems may inherit human biases, potentially misrepresenting information about specific events or societal groups, reinforcing prejudices.
  • Violation of privacy: AI limits individuals’ ability to control what information about their past is retrieved.
  • Lack of transparency and algorithmic biases: It is often unclear which data AI systems have been trained on or how algorithms decide what content to retrieve, generate, or prioritize.

Key Recommendations

  • Monitoring and evaluating standards for AI systems’ management of information: Emphasize on preventing prioritized retrieval or generation of content that may be damaging to rights and reputations of individuals.
  • Integrating ethical values into AI design: Integrate ethical impact assessment – fairness, non-discrimination and diversity – in AI system design.
  • Tags :
  • AI and Ethics
  • GenAI
  • Algorithmic Biases
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