WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange freed by US court | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange freed by US court

Posted 27 Jun 2024

2 min read

WikiLeaks was founded in 2006 for publishing databases of censored or otherwise restricted materials involving wars, spying and corruption.

  • In 2010, WikiLeaks featured classified U.S. military documents and videos from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • It serves as a whistleblower platform over the internet.


it is the disclosure of information to the public or some higher authority about any wrongdoing, which could be in the form of fraud, corruption, etc. in a company or government.

  • It promotes accountability and transparency, exposes malpractices,protects public interest, etc.

Ethical issues involved in Wikileaks case

  • Protection of whistleblowers vs. national security: balance between safeguarding individuals who expose wrongdoing, and ensuring government responsibility while considering threats to national security.
  • Media responsibility in handling classified information: The media has a moral duty to tell the public about government action, while handling dangerous or sensitive information in a responsible manner.
  • Public right to information vs. government need for confidentiality: balance between citizens' right to know about government's actions and the government's necessity to uphold confidentiality in matters of national security.

Indian law/rule to protect government secret information

  • The Official Secrets Act,1923: It provides the framework for dealing with espionage, sedition, and other potential threats to the integrity of the nation.
  • Rule 11 of Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964: It deals with the Communication of Official Information by the government servants.
  • Section 8(1) in The Right to Information Act, 2005:  It  gives exemption  from disclosure of information which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India.
  • Tags :
  • Right to information
  • Wikileaks case
  • The Official Secrets Act,1923:
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