Researchers have uncovered the transmission of pathogens between managed western honey bees and wild pollinators, a process called pathogen spillover and spillback.
- Western honey bees are often viral reservoirs and can infect wild species, threatening wider pollinator community.
- Pollinators like honeybees, butterflies, birds, bats etc. travel from plant to plant carrying pollen in a vital interaction that allows transfer of genetic material critical to the reproductive system of most flowering plants.
- Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants and about 35% of the world’s food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce.
Bacterial Computer
Recently, researchers in Kolkata achieved a breakthrough in synthetic biology where they engineered bacteria to perform mathematical and computational tasks.
- This was done by introducing Genetic Circuits – biological systems that allow cells to interact and respond to each other by performing logical functions – in bacteria.
- Such engineered bacteria with different genetic circuits can be combined to act as artificial neural networks, capable of abstract mathematics.
- In such network, each engineered bacteria acts as a “bactoneuron”, functioning as an artificial neuron.
- Potential Applications: Early disease detection and treatment, enhancement in carbon sequestration through cell-based biocomputers, faster computing etc.
AYushman Vaya Vandana Yojana
Over 10 lakh senior citizens have enrolled in the Ayushman Vandana scheme within three weeks of its launch.
- Notably, women account for around 4 lakh enrolments under the scheme.
About the scheme
- Launched in October 2024, it is part of the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), aimed at providing free healthcare to senior citizens aged 70 and above.
- AB-PMJAY was launched in 2018 to achieve the vision of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
- Ayushman Vaya Vandana cards have been issued under the scheme covering treatments of a range of medical conditions.
Uniform Protection Protocol
Central Electricity Authority approves the Uniform Protection Protocol for users of Indian Grid for implementation on Pan India basis.
About Uniform Protection Protocol
- Aim: To ensure Grid stability, reliability, security and support India’s vision for integration of 450 GW Renewable Energy into the National Grid by 2030.
- It addresses the protection requirements for thermal and hydro generating units etc.
- It will ensure proper co-ordination of protection system in order to protect the equipment/system from abnormal operating conditions, isolate the faulty equipment and avoid unintended operation of protection system.
Articles Sources
Lake Kariba
A drought has drained Lake Kariba close to record lows, causing power shortage in the region.
About Lake Kariba
- It is the world’s largest artificial lake and reservoir by volume.
- Kariba lake is located in Central Africa in the Zambezi River basin between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
- Its construction was started during 1950s when British ruled Northern and Southern Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe).
- Kariba Dam provides electric power to both Zambia and Zimbabwe and supports a thriving commercial fishing industry in Africa.
First trilateral power transaction
Inauguration of first trilateral power transaction from Nepal to Bangladesh through the Indian Grid took place.
- The tripartite power sales agreement between NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam, Nepal Electricity Authority(NEA) and Bangladesh Power Development Board was signed earlier.
About Agreement
- To facilitate power transaction from Nepal to Bangladesh, through Indian grid with an export of upto 40 MW of power.
- Commitment towards greater sub-regional cooperation, including in the energy sector, which would lead to increased inter-linkages between the economies for mutual benefit of all stakeholders.
Articles Sources
APOBEC family
Researchers provide evidence of human-to-human transmission of Mpox Clade Ia strain of the virus, attributed to APOBEC-induced mutations.
- APOBEC-induced mutations can induce specific mutations in DNA.
- APOBEC (apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like) is a family of proteins having diverse functions in human health.
- They have an intrinsic ability to bind to both RNA and single-stranded DNA.
- They can introduce changes (mutations) to the viral DNA while it is being copied in the cells.
- By doing so, APOBEC proteins force mistakes, some of which can be lethal to the virus.
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
Study finds mangrove dieback in Maldives linked to sea level rise and extreme Indian Ocean Dipole.
About IOD
- It is a climate phenomenon based on the difference in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) between the Eastern and Western regions of the Indian Ocean.
- It has 2 phases:
- Positive phase: Warm waters are pushed to the Western Indian Ocean, while cold deep waters are brought up in the Eastern Indian Ocean.
- The high temperatures along coastal Africa cause heavy rains and droughts in Australia.
- Negative Phase: Temperature and rainfall Pattern is reversed.
- Positive phase: Warm waters are pushed to the Western Indian Ocean, while cold deep waters are brought up in the Eastern Indian Ocean.
- Associated sea-level changes increase threats of coastal flooding.