Growth without basic rights is pointless: SC in Vedanta case | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Growth without basic rights is pointless: SC in Vedanta case

Posted 08 Mar 2024

Updated 25 Mar 2024

1 min read

  • The SC made this observation while upholding Vedanta's Thoothukudi copper smelting facility closure by the High Court.
    • The state pollution control board and the state government ordered the plant to shut down for alleged pollution in 2018.
  • The SC further noted that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international treaties and accords acknowledge basic rights such as breathing clean air, drinking clean water, etc. as human rights.
    •  Governments and institutions all over the world must uphold and protect these rights even as they create jobs and industry.


  • During the judgment, SC stated the following principles: 
    • Public trust doctrine: It establishes that the state holds natural resources in trust for the benefit of the public.
    • Intergenerational equity principle: It suggests that present residents of the earth hold the earth in trust for future generations.
    • Polluter pays principle: It asserts that those who pollute or degrade the environment should bear the costs of mitigation and restoration.
    •  Principles of sustainable development: It is a concept that facilitates development without depriving future generations of the ability to meet future needs.
  • Tags :
  • Growth without Rights
  • Public Trust Doctrine
  • Intergenerational Equity
  • Polluter Pays Principle
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