Union cabinet approves Uttar Poorva Transformative Industrialization Scheme (UNNATI), 2024 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Union cabinet approves Uttar Poorva Transformative Industrialization Scheme (UNNATI), 2024

Posted 08 Mar 2024

Updated 25 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • It is a Central Sector Scheme for the development of industries and generation of employment in the states of the Northeast Region.


  • Objective: To generate gainful employment, which will lead to the area’s overall socio-economic development and productive economic activity in the manufacturing and service sectors.


  • Key features of the scheme
    • Scheme period: 10 years along with 8 years of committed liabilities.
    • Eligibility: All new Industrial units and Expanding units.
      • Maximum eligible benefits to one unit from all components: Rs. 250 Crore.
      • Green industries like EV charging stations are on the positive list, while cement, plastic, and others are on the negative list. 
    • Districts are categorized in two zones: Zone A (Industrially Advanced Districts) & Zone B (Industrially Backward Districts)
    • Divided into two parts: Part A, caters to the incentives for the eligible units, and Part B, is for implementation and institutional arrangements for the scheme.
    • Earmarking of funds: 60% of the outlay of Part A has been earmarked to 8 Northeastern states and 40% on First-In-First-Out basis.
    • Implemented by: the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) in cooperation with the states.


Other Schemes for Development in North East Region

  • PM DevINE Scheme: For funding infrastructure and social development projects, based on felt needs of the Northeastern States.
  • NITI Forum for North East: to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
  • North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme: to create infrastructure to ensure water supply, power connectivity, education, and health.
  • Tags :
  • PM-DevINE
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