Government Approves Scheme to Promote Manufacturing of Electric Passenger Cars in India | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Government Approves Scheme to Promote Manufacturing of Electric Passenger Cars in India

Posted 16 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Key Highlights of Scheme
    • Ministry: Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI).
    • Implementation: Project Management Agency (PMA) will be responsible for providing secretarial, managerial and implementation support and carrying out other responsibilities as assigned by Government of India (GoI).
    • Eligibility Criteria
      • Minimum Investment required during 3 year window is Rs 4150 Crore (∼USD 500 million). No limit on maximum Investment.
      • Domestic Value Addition (DVA) criteria during manufacturing: 25% within a period of 3 years, and 50% within 5 years from date of issuance of approval letter by MHI/ PMA.
    • Bank guarantee will be returned only when 50% DVA is attained and investment of at least Rs 4,150 crore has been made, or to the extent of duty foregone in 5 years, whichever is higher.
    • Performance Criteria: All electric passenger vehicles shall meet the performance criteria of Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Auto scheme.
    • Tenure: 5 years or as notified by GoI.


  • Rationale of Scheme
    • Attract investments from global Electric Vehicle (EV) manufacturers; Promote India as a manufacturing destination for EV; Promoting healthy competition among EV players can lead to high production volume; Reduce imports of crude oil; Generate employment etc.


Other Initiatives to Promote EV

  • Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of EVs (FAME) India scheme- Phase I launched in 2015 and Phase II launched in 2019.
  • PLI Scheme for Automobile and Automotive Components (PLI-Auto) in 2021, as financial incentives to promote domestic manufacturing and draw investments into value chain of automotive manufacturing industry.
  • EV 30@30 for deployment of EVs and target at least 30 percent new EVs sales by 2030.
  • Tags :
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI)
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