Curative Petition | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 11 Apr 2024

8 min read

Curative Petition

  • Supreme court (SC) quashes arbitral award against Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.
  • Curative Petition: It’s last constitutional remedy available to a person whose review petition (Art.137) has been dismissed by SC.


  • Given shape in Rupa Ashok Hurra v. Ashok Hurra & Anr.
    •  The curative power of the Court flows from Article 142 (power to do complete justice).


  • Curative petition is entitled, if petitioner establishes-
    • Violation of principles of natural justice;
    • Judge failed to disclose his connection with the subject-matter.
    • There is an apprehension of bias and judgement adversely affects  petitioner.
  • Tags :
  • Curative Petition
  • Hurra vs Hurra

Section 127A of Representation of the People Act (RPA), 1951

  • The Election Commission said that anonymous political posters,  hoardings are not allowed.


  • Section 127A of RPA,51:
    • Unequivocally prohibits the printing or publishing of election pamphlets, posters, placards, or banners.
      • If the name and address of the printer and publisher are not prominently displayed.


  • This requirement of disclosing the identity of publishers serves to:
    • Fix  responsibility in case content is found unbecoming of the framework of the Model Code of Conduct or the statutory provision




  • Tags :
  • Model Code of Conduct
  • Section 127A of RPA,51
  • MCC

International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)

  • India’s Jagjit Pavadia has been re-elected to INCB for term 2025-2030.


  • About INCB
    • It is independent and quasi-judicial monitoring body for implementation of UN international drug control conventions.
    • It was established in 1968 in accordance with Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
    • Members:  13 members (elected by UN Economic and Social Council for five years)
    • Its functions are laid down in:
      • Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
      • Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971.
      • United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988


  • Tags :
  • Narcotics Control Board
  • Narcotic Drugs, 1961
  • Psychotropic Substances 1971

Global hepatitis report 2024

  • Released by WHO, the report revealed that India accounted for 11.6% of the global burden and ranked second after China for hepatitis B & C cases. 


  • Hepatitis
    • It is an inflammation of the liver caused by a variety of infectious viruses and noninfectious agents (alcohol, autoimmune, drugs). 
    • A, B, C, D and E are the five main strains of the hepatitis virus.
      • Types B and C lead to chronic disease and together are the most common cause of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and viral hepatitis-related death. 
      • Vaccine is available for typebut not for Type C.


  • Tags :
  • Hepatitis
  • Global Hepatitis Report

Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act of 1954

  • Supreme Court is hearing a case of “misleading” claims in advertisements by an Ayurveda-related company. 
  • Misleading claims are prohibited under the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act of 1954. 
    • Section 4 of the Act prohibits advertisements that give false impressions regarding the true character of the drug. 
    • Section 5 prohibits the Advertisement of Magic Remedies for treatment.
      • magic remedies are defined as any charm (talisman, mantra, kavacha etc.), alleged to possess miraculous powers for diagnosis, cure, mitigation etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Drugs and Magics Act
  • "Misleading” claims in advertisements


  • USA recalls various hand sanitisers containing methanol.
    • FDA has warned that methanol exposure could lead to nausea, coma, seizures, permanent blindness, permanent damage to the Central Nervous System, or death


  • Methanol (CH3OH) 
    • Also known as wood alcohol. 
    • Characteristic: 
      • A colorless and fairly volatile liquid with a faintly sweet pungent odor. 
      • Completely mixable with water.
      • Considered as an alternative fuel. 
    • Uses: synthetic dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals, perfumes
    • Treatment of methanol poisoning: administer ethanol or an antidote called fomepizole


  • Tags :
  • Methanol
  • Wood alcohol

New formulations by ICAR

  • ICAR has developed the following 3 new microbial formulations:
    • Bactolime integrates: It contains PGPRs (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) with liming material. 
      • Bacteria ensure the availability of essential nutrients to plants and help enhance nutrient use efficiency.
    • Bactogypsum: Ameliorates high pH soils and ensures simultaneous delivery of plant-beneficial bacteria.
    • Trichogypsum: Ameliorates high pH soils and ensures delivery of Trichoderma (a fungal biocontrol agent).


  • GypsumIt is a compound containing Calcium and Sulphate. It is used to counteract soil salinity/sodicity.
  • Tags :
  • Bactolime


  • Command Hospital, Pune became the first government hospital in India to conduct successful piezoelectric Bone Conduction Hearing Implants (BCI).
  • Piezoelectric BCI system is an implantable medical electronic device for hearing impaired patients.


  • About Piezoelectricity
    • It is the appearance of positive electric charge on one side of certain non-conducting crystals and negative charge on the opposite side when the crystals are subjected to mechanical pressure.
    • It is utilized in various applications, like, microphones, sensors, Piezoelectric Motors etc.
  • Tags :
  • Piezoelectricity
  • Bone Conduction Hearing Implants (BCI)
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