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Posted 16 Apr 2024

8 min read

Exercise Dustlik

  • It is joint military exercise between Indian and Uzbekistan Army, conducted every year.
  • Tags :
  • Exercise Dustlik
  • India- Uzbekistan Exercise

Pink Bollworm

  • Cotton farmers in North India may shift to paddy, maize, and guar due to severe PBW infestation.


  • About PBW (Pectinophora gossypiella)
    • The disease is common in cotton crops.
    • PBW larvae burrow into developing fruits (bolls) of cotton plants, and damage affects both the weight and quality of harvested bolls.
    • Issue: 
      • Pink bollworms have developed resistance to genetically modified pest-resistant Bt cotton over time.


  • Management Strategies
    • Adoption of highly productive short-duration hybrids that would escape PBW.
    • Crop rotation to break the lifecycle of PBW.
    • PB Knot technology disrupts the mating prospects of pests.
  • Tags :
  • Pink Bollworm Infestation
  • Cotton Disease

Jiadhal River

  • The flow of Jiadhal River is being disrupted due to climate change.


  • About Jiadhal River
    • It is a north-bank tributary of Brahmaputra
    • Originates in lower Himalayan ranges in Arunachal Pradesh. 
    • Flows through Assam and meets Brahmaputra near Majuli Island.
    • It is example of flashy river and produces floods with sudden, high discharge over short time interval and with high sediment load and debris.
    • It frequently changes its course during flash floods.
  • Tags :
  • Jiadhal River
  • Brahmaputra Tributary

Lake Kariba

  • Water levels have dropped to 13% of its capacity in Lake Kariba, due El Nino induced drought. 
    • El Niño is a climate pattern characterized by unusual warming of surface waters in eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.


  • About Lake Kariba
    • It provides electric power to both Zambia and Zimbabwe.
    • It lies between Zambia and Zimbabwe. 
    • It was formed by damming Zambezi River in 1955. 


  • Tags :
  • El Nino
  • Lake Kariba

Gray Slender Loris

  • Gray slender Loris rescued in North Goa.


  • About Gray Slender Loris (Loris lydekkerianus)
    • Geographic Range: Found in India and Sri Lanka.
    • Habitats: Tropical rainforests, scrub forests, semi-evergreen forests, swamps.
    • Characteristics
      • Nocturnal animal.
      • Lean and lanky appearance, with longer and slender limbs, larger ears, pointed snout and eyes circled with black or dark brown.
      • Slow movers and foragers, they nest near large insect colonies for easy meals.
      • They are Viviparous (producing living young instead of eggs).
    • Threat: Habitat Loss, Electrocution on power lines etc.
    • Conservation Status
      • IUCN: Near Threatened.
  • Tags :
  • Gray Slender Loris
  • Loris lydekkerianus


  • Nigeria became first country in world to introduce Men5CV vaccine, recommended by WHO.
    • It offers protection against five strains of meningococcus bacteria in a single shot.
    • Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine is the one available in India.


  • About Meningitis
    • It is inflammation of surrounding tissues of brain and spinal cord.
    • Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
    • Mostly transmitted from person to person.
    • Although it affects all ages, young children are most at risk.
    • Symptoms are neck stiffness, fever, confusion, headaches, nausea.
  • Tags :
  • Meningitis
  • Men5CV vaccine

Chagas Disease (American trypanosomiasis)

  • World Chagas Disease Day was observed by the World Health Organisation on April 14.


  • About Chagas Disease
    • Life-threatening illness caused by protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi.
    • Found mainly in Latin American countries, where it is mostly vector-borne.
    • Transmitted by triatomine bug (vector-borne), and orally (food-borne), during pregnancy or birth (congenital), through blood/blood products, or organ transplantation.
    • Often called “silent disease” because of no symptoms either during acute or chronic phases of infection until damage is too advanced to be reversed.
    • The disease is clinically curable if treatment is initiated at an early stage.
  • Tags :
  • Chagas Disease
  • Silent Disease

Rongali Bihu

  • Assam celebrates Rongali Bihu. 


  • About Rongali/Bohag Bihu 
    • Celebrated in middle of April, it marks the beginning of Assamese New Year and onset of spring.
    • There are 3 Bihu festivals in Assam. Other two- Kati Bihu and Magh Bihu are celebrated in October and January, respectively. 
    • It is a 7 day festival, where first day is called Goru Bihu followed by Manuh Bihu, Guxai Bihu etc
    • Similar festival in other states - Baisakhi (Punjab), Puthandu (Tamil Nadu), Vishu (Kerala), and Pohela Baisakh (West Bengal).
  • Tags :
  • Rongali Bihu
  • Assamese New Year
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