Doctors educated at the expense of the poor cannot shy away from serving them: Madras High Court | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Doctors educated at the expense of the poor cannot shy away from serving them: Madras High Court

Posted 01 May 2024

2 min read

  • High Court was hearing a writ petitions filed by doctors to waive service bond period.
    • Service bond is an agreement between medical students and government which requires doctors to work in a specific area or public healthcare facilities for a specified period.


  • Need of  Service bonds 
    • Uneven distribution of healthcare workforce: It can ensure social justice and health equity in underserved areas.
    • Reciprocity: These are a way to ensure that taxpayers' money is utilized effectively by requiring the healthcare professionals to serve in the public healthcare system.


  • Ethical and other issues with compulsory service bond
    • Infringement of fundamental rights under Article 19(1)(g) [Right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business].
    • Quality of care: Forced obligations could impact motivation, job satisfaction, and overall performance, potentially compromising the quality of care.
    • Brain drain: Stringent bonds may discourage talented individuals from pursuing careers in healthcare, exacerbating the existing shortage of healthcare professionals.
    • Discrimination and inequality: It may disproportionately affect healthcare professionals from underprivileged backgrounds or those who cannot afford to pay the penalty for non-compliance.


Way Forward

  • Voluntary participation: Voluntary opt-in system could be implemented where healthcare professionals willingly choose to serve in underserved areas in exchange for incentives such as education subsidies.
  • Adequate compensation and incentives: Service bonds can be accompanied by attractive compensation packages, including competitive salaries, housing allowances.
  • Targeted recruitment and training: Initiatives could be taken to recruit and train healthcare professionals from underserved areas.
  • Flexible models: Such as shorter service periods, rotational assignments, combination of urban and rural postings, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Service Bonds
  • Healthcare
  • Medical Ethics
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