Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) Mission Launched | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) Mission Launched

Posted 30 May 2024

2 min read

EarthCARE Mission is a joint venture between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

  • Objective: Provide a holistic view of complex interplay between clouds, aerosols and radiation, yielding new insight into Earth’s radiation balance against the backdrop of the climate crisis.
  • Orbit Type: Sun-synchronous 
  • On-board Instruments: Atmospheric Lidar, cloud profiling radar, multispectral imager (MSI), and broad-band radiometer.

Relationship between Clouds, Aerosol and Earth’s Radiation Balance

  • Clouds:  Along with aerosols, clouds play key role in Earth’s Heat Budget. 
    • They can either cool or warm the Earth's surface by reflecting incoming sunlight or trapping outgoing infrared radiation.
    • The extent of clouds' warming or cooling effect on Earth depends on their shape, location, altitude, water content, and particle size.
  • Aerosols: These are tiny particles such as dust and pollutants suspended in atmosphere.
    • Directly they reflect and absorb solar radiation and trap outgoing radiation. 
    • And, indirectly they act as nuclei for cloud formation, which has a more substantial impact on the climate.
    • Human activities like industrialization, agriculture, etc. significantly alter atmospheric aerosol concentrations, impacting regional climate patterns.
  • Tags :
  • EarthCARE Mission
  • European Space Agency
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
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