WTO’s member questioned India’s farm input subsidies | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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WTO’s member questioned India’s farm input subsidies

Posted 30 May 2024

2 min read

Members including the US and the UK, raised concerns over India’s 50 percent increase in farm subsidies in 2022-23 in the  meeting of the Committee on Agriculture.

India responded that its input subsidies were for “low-income or resource-poor” farmers  exempted under Agreement on Agriculture.

About Agreement on Agriculture

  • It was negotiated at the Uruguay round  and ratified in Marrakesh (Morocco) in 1994.
  • It contains provisions in three broad areas of agriculture and trade policy
    • Market Access: includes tariffication, tariff reduction and access opportunities.
      • Tariffication means that all non-tariff barriers such as quotas, variable levies etc. need to be abolished and converted into an equivalent tariff.
    • Domestic Access: deals with subsidies and other support programmes that directly stimulate production and distort trade. It has various  kinds of boxes based on the type of subsidies provided (Refer to box).
    • Export Subsidies: deals with methods which makes exports artificially competitive.
      • Developed Members and developing countries eliminated export  subsidies as per the Nairobi Ministerial Decision 2015.
  • Public stockholding programmes of developing countries are covered under the peace clause as an interim solution.
    • Members would not challenge these programmes legally under the Agriculture Agreement.

Different Type of Boxes

  • Amber Box: These supports are subject to limits. It allows for “De minimis”/minimal level of support as a share of the value of agricultural production.
  • Blue Box: Support that would normally be in the amber box, is placed in the blue box if it also requires farmers to limit production. 
  • Green Box: includes government funded subsidies which do not distort trade or cause minimal distortion. 
  • Tags :
  • WTO
  • Agreement on Agriculture
  • Peace clause
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