Lower tariffs are required to become part of GVC: NITI Aayog CEO | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Lower tariffs are required to become part of GVC: NITI Aayog CEO

Posted 18 May 2024

Updated 20 May 2024

2 min read

Global Value Chain  (GVC) refers to international production sharing, which is the process of breaking down production into activities and tasks that are completed in different countries.

Benefits of GVC

  • Helps in building domestic companies that can compete globally
  • Higher foreign exchange earnings.
  • Leads to faster growth, import of skills and technology, and boost employment.

Reasons behind India’s weak GVC integration

  • India has not been part of significant trade blocs for e.g.- SAARC is inactive and India has withdrawn from RCEP.
  • Historical inward looking industrial policies for e.g.- license Raj, import substitution.
  • The pace of re-skilling and up-skilling of the workforce is slow.
  • Lack of integration with lead  firms for e.g.- Bangladesh outperforms India in the garment industry due to its alignment with GVC lead firms.

Way Forward

  • Streamline ports and customs operations and improve turnaround time.
  • Accelerate free trade agreements with key partners.
  • Ensure International Quality Standards by ensuring  adherence to global standards and certification systems.
  • Target High-Value specific segments such as defense, electronics, etc.
  • Accelerated adoption of e-governance and e-compliance in trade.

Measures Taken for Integration with GVC

  • Production Linked Incentives Scheme offering incentives to manufacturers on incremental sale.
  • Consolidation of labor laws , improvement in logistics performance index.
  • Infrastructure development such as Bharatmala, Sagarmala
  • Liberalization of Foreign Direct Investment Norms.
  • Tags :
  • NITI Aayog
  • GVC
  • Global Value Chain
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