Earth's magnetic field underwent a major weakening 591 million years ago | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Earth's magnetic field underwent a major weakening 591 million years ago

Posted 18 May 2024

Updated 20 May 2024

2 min read

Research on ancient rocks from South Africa and Brazil suggests weakening of Earth's magnetic field during the Ediacaran period (about 635 million to 541 million years ago).

  • This weak field overlaps with Ediacaran oxygenation (rise in oxygen levels), believed to be responsible for emergence of early animals
    • Weakened magnetic field allowed hydrogen to escape into space, leaving fewer molecules for oxygen to bind with, translating into more free oxygen in the atmosphere and oceans.

Earth's magnetic field 

  • Earth is surrounded by an immense magnetic field forming a region called Magnetosphere.
  • Earth’s magnetic field is generated in the Earth’s outer core by the geodynamo process.
    • Here, the convective energy (which moves heat) from the slow-moving molten iron is converted to electrical and magnetic energy.
  • The magnetic field forms two poles (a dipole) – North and South magnetic poles – having opposite polarities, like a bar magnet.
  • Most dramatic changes impacting Earth’s magnetosphere are pole reversals.

Significance of Earth's magnetic field

  • It prevents erosion of Earth’s atmosphere by harmful solar wind.
  • It protects Earth from particle radiation emitted during Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) events and from cosmic rays.
  • It guides particles from Sun towards poles where they create auroras

Magnetic Pole reversal

  • The forces that generate Earth’s magnetic field are constantly changing, causing changes in strength of magnetic field. 
  • This causes the location of Earth’s magnetic north and south poles to gradually shift, and to even completely flip locations around every 300,000 years.
  • During a pole reversal, the magnetic field weakens but doesn’t completely disappear.
  • Tags :
  • Magnetic field
  • Magnetic Pole Reversal
  • Ediacaran
  • Magnetosphere
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