World Organisation for animal health (WOAH) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 18 May 2024

Updated 20 May 2024

8 min read

World Organisation for animal health (WOAH)

WOAH released Annual Report on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals.

About WOAH

  • Headquarter: Paris
  • Genesis: founded in 1924 as the Office International des Epizooties and in 2003 adopted the common name WOAH.
  • About: An intergovernmental organization  focused on transparently disseminating information on animal diseases and  improving animal health globally. 
  • Members: It works with 183 Members(India is a member).


  • Tags :
  • WOAH
  • World Organisation for animal health

Allocation of time on state media to political parties

Two leaders asked to make certain changes to their speeches made on Doordarshan and All India Radio (AIR) during the allocated broadcast time.

Allocation of time on state media to political parties

  • The Election Commission of India (ECI)  allocates time to national and state parties.
  • National parties get telecasting time on Doordarshan’s national channel and regional channel as well as on AIR.
  • State parties get telecasting time on the appropriate regional Doordarshan channel and AIR radio station.
  • The ECI’s guidelines forbid criticism of other countries; attack on religions or communities, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Political parties
  • Election Commission of India

Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC)

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) organized the ‘ONDC Startup Mahotsav’.

About ONDC

  • It is a Section 8 company(non-profit organization), under the initiative of DPIIT.
  • Aim: To democratize digital commerce.
    • ONDC platform serves as the intermediary layer between the interfaces hosting the buyers and the sellers.
  • Founding members: The Quality Council of India and Protean eGov Technologies.
  • Benefits: Lower entry-barriers to digital commerce, Provides level playing field for all e- Commerce models, etc.
  • Tags :
  • ONDC
  • eGovernance
  • E-commerce

Deda Method

Muria tribes practice the deda, traditional method of preserving seeds.

About Deda Method

  • Seeds are wrapped in leaves, packed tightly to look like boulders, and woven with Siali leaves.
  • Benefits:  Protection of seed from pests and worms, which can be stored and used upto 5 years.

About Murias 

  • Sub-group of Gond tribe, belonging to Chhattisgarh.
  • Associated with Muria Rebellion of Bastar (1876) against Gopinath Kapardas, diwan of Bastar.
  • Customs: Dead pillars (Gudi), where dead are buried with a stone placed 6 to 7 feet high and Ghotul where young boys and girls chose their own life partner.
  • Tags :
  • Seed preservation
  • Muria tribes

National Endangered Species Day (NESD) 2024

NESD 2024 has been observed.

About NESD, 2024

  • The theme for the year 2024 is “Celebrate Saving Species” 
  • It is observed on the third Friday in the month of May.
  • David Robinson and the Endangered Species Coalition established NESD in 2006.


  • To increase awareness about the number of species facing extinction 
  • Calls for action to reduce the harmful human activities that threaten species.
  • Encourages us to contribute to the well-being of nature and endangered species.
  • Tags :
  • Endangered
  • Endangered Species Day

IndiaAI Mission

Government is ready to finance up to 50% to create Artificial Intelligence (AI) compute infrastructure in the country. 

  • Presently, AI compute infrastructure is being created under the IndiaAI Compute Capacity (IAICC) component of IndiaAI mission.
  • IAICC aims to erect a scalable AI computing infrastructure by deploying over 10,000 Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) through strategic public-private collaborations.

IndiaAI mission

  • Objective: To establish a robust AI ecosystem through strategic programs and partnerships across public and private sectors.
  • Implementation: By ‘IndiaAI’ Independent Business Division (IBD) under Digital India Corporation (DIC).
  • Components include IndiaAI Compute Capacity, IndiaAI Innovation Centre, IndiaAI Datasets Platform, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • AI
  • IndiaAI Mission

Nile River

Researchers have discovered an extinct branch of Nile River – the Ahramat Branch – that once flowed alongside pyramids in Egypt.

River Nile

  • Longest river in the world, it flows from south to north through Eastern Africa
  • Origin:  It rises from rivers that feed Lake Victoria and flows northward through northeastern Africa to drain into the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Basin: Nile runs through or along the border of 11 African countries.
    • Egypt, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan.
  • Tributaries: White Nile, Blue Nile, Atbara.
  • Tags :
  • Lake Victoria
  • Nile
  • Longest river

Port of Call

At the port of Cartagena, Spain denies port call to vessel carrying shipment of arms to Israel from India.

About Port of Call

  • It is a type of port classified on the basis of specialized functions.
  • They are  on main sea routes where ships  anchor for refueling, watering and taking food items.
  • They can also be developed into commercial ports for ex- Aden, Honolulu and Singapore, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Port
  • port of call
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