Amplifying the Global Value of Earth Observation report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Amplifying the Global Value of Earth Observation report

Posted 09 May 2024

2 min read

The report released by the World Economic Forum delves into the economic potential of Earth Observation (EO) technologies across various sectors.

  • EO refers to collecting information about activities and characteristics on Earth, both natural and artificial, including physical, chemical, biological and human systems. EO includes:
    • Remotely-sensed data which is collected from satellites, piloted aircraft, etc.
    • In-situ data is gathered from GPS-enabled devices, Internet-of- things sensors, etc.

Economic opportunities of EO

It would contribute $3.8 trillion to global gross domestic product between 2023-2030. Industries that would gain most from EO–

  • Agriculture:  to reduce consumption through precision agriculture.
  • Electricity and utilities: to forecast the energy potential and operations management for new solar, wind and hydropower sites.
  • Mining: to search for rare Earth minerals in old mines and enhance lithium exploration.

Climate opportunities of EO

EO applications have the potential to reduce over 2 billion tonnes of CO2 annually by 2030. Some applications:

  • Early warning: better characterize wildfire risk and to spot wildfires faster.
  • Environmental impact monitoring: Satellites and aircraft-borne EO sensors can monitor Greenhouse gases.


limited awareness of EO applications, shortage of specialized talent, fragmented standards and difficulty navigating the complex EO marketplace, etc.

Global initiatives for EO

  • MethaneSAT: To pinpoint entities responsible for methane emission.
  • Allen coral atlas monitoring toolworld’s first satellite-based global coral reef monitoring system.
  • NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR): for understanding changes in Earth’s ecosystems, ice mass, vegetation biomass, etc.
  • Tags :
  • World Economic Forum
  • Earth Observation
  • NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR)
  • Allen coral atlas monitoring tool
  • MethaneSAT
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