Armoured Sailfin Catfish (ASC) has spread to 60% of water bodies of Eastern Ghats: CCMB scientists Study | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Armoured Sailfin Catfish (ASC) has spread to 60% of water bodies of Eastern Ghats: CCMB scientists Study

Posted 13 May 2024

2 min read

ASC (Rakashi or devil fish) was introduced in India for its unique appearance and its ability to clean algal growth in tanks and aquaria, however, now they have grown exponentially. 

  • It is native to South America, and belongs to the largest catfish family.
  • Scientists used the Environmental DNA (eDNA) approach for mapping spread of the invasive species.
    • eDNA is organismal DNA that is released in the environment from cellular material shed by organisms (via skin, excrement, etc.) into aquatic or terrestrial environments. 
    • Unlike conventional methods, eDNA approach is reliable, and accurate, can be done a low cost. 

About Invasive species (IS)

  • Definition: As per the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 (amended in 2022), IS are non-native species whose introduction or spread poses a threat to wildlife or its habitat.
  • Threats
    • Their presence can lead to changes in food chains, disturbances in ecological balances, and competition with native species for resources. 
    • Put human health, food security and livelihoods at risk. 
    • 1 in 10 species on the IUCN Red List species are threatened by IS (IUCN). 
    • Resulted in loss of at least USD 1.288 trillion from 1970 to 2017 (IUCN).
  • Tags :
  • Invasive Species
  • Environmental DNA (eDNA)
  • Invasive species Threats
  • catfish
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