First Human recipient of a Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Transplant has died | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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First Human recipient of a Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Transplant has died

Posted 14 May 2024

2 min read


Xenotransplantation is any procedure that involves transplantation, implantation, or infusion of live non-human animal cells, tissues, or organs into a human recipient. 

  • Need for such procedure was felt because of gap between number of transplantations needed by patients and availability of donor organs.

Why are Pigs often used for Xenotransplantation?

  • Pig’s organ size, physiological metabolism and immune system are similar to those of human beings.
    • Organs that can be used for xenotransplantation includes Heart, Liver, Lungs, etc.
    • In 2022, the first xenotransplantation of a genetically-modified pig heart was done.
  • Breeding pigs on farms is widespread and cost-effective.
  • Varieties of pig breeds are farmed, providing an opportunity for harvested organs to be matched with specific needs of human recipient.

Process of Xenotransplantation

  • Gene Editing Technology CRISPR-Cas9 was utilized to eliminate specific pig genes responsible for producing sugars triggering immune responses. 
  • It introduces specific human genes to enhance organ (kidney, heart) compatibility with humans.

Benefits of Xenotransplantation

  • Alternative supply of organs to those with life-threatening diseases.
  • Reduce shortage of transplantable organs.


  • High Organ rejection rate; Risk of infection from an animal organ; Animal welfare, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Xenotransplantation
  • Gene editing
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