Soaring land prices, grabs, and carbon schemes driving Land Inequality | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Soaring land prices, grabs, and carbon schemes driving Land Inequality

Posted 15 May 2024

2 min read

A report, titled ‘Land Squeeze’, released by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) underscores a series of unprecedented pressures on global farmland (land squeeze) which are now accelerating and converging.

Dimensions of Land Squeeze in India

  • Land degradation and desertification: >70% of its arable land is undergoing land degradation.
  • Land concentration: Top 10% landowners own 45% of farmland.
  • Land Fragmentation: Average agricultural holdings in India are 1.08 hectares (2015-16).

Steps taken to address land inequality in India

  • Land Reforms: Abolition of intermediaries, tenancy reforms, ceiling on land holding size, and land consolidation.
  • Joint Forest Management Program: For enhanced access to forest resources & decreased land degradation.
  • Voluntary group farming in some Indian states, including Kerala and Telangana, increased women's access to land, providing livelihoods, and empowering them. 

Way Forward

  • Build integrated land, environmental, and food systems governance to halt green grabs by placing the right to land at the heart of climate governance.
  • Cap on farmland investment, giving farmers rights of first refusal on land sales.
  • Build public pension and insurance systems to secure farmers’ livelihoods and facilitate managed transfer of land to new farmers.
  • Tags :
  • Land Squeeze
  • Land Fragmentation
  • IPES-Food
  • Land concentration
  • Land Reforms
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