Indian Ocean: IORA’s role Critical amidst heightened presence of global powers | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indian Ocean: IORA’s role Critical amidst heightened presence of global powers

Posted 16 May 2024

2 min read

IORA’s significance is expected to increase with the rising presence of Non-Resident global powers like US (have military base in Diego Garcia Island), Russia (conducts military exercise with Myanmar) in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

Reasons for enhanced presence of global Powers in IOR

  • Maritime choke points: For example, the Strait of Hormuz and the Strait of Malacca are essential for the free flow of trade, energy, and free movement to ensure security.
  • Geo-strategic competition: Emergence of Indo-Pacific as an integrated maritime theatre, due to competing interests of China and other democracies advocating for a rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific.
  • Pursuance of Blue Economy: Home to a third of the global population, the IOR's littoral States (mostly developing) depend heavily on marine resources. 
    • This presents substantial opportunities for sustainable economic and livelihood development.

Challenges in the IOR

  • Naval aggressions from China. 
  • Small countries depend on external powers for security due to regional power imbalances which also prevent optimal regional cooperation.
  • Re-emergence of security issues like piracy and maritime terrorism.

Role of IORA 

  • IORA is the only multilateral grouping that spans the entire Indian Ocean. 
  • Offers a space for inclusive diplomacy, allowing member states greater agency in negotiations.
  • Together with India’s SAGAR initiative, it can be a potential counter to China led China-Indian Ocean Region (IOR) Forum’. 


Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)                                         

Secretariat: Mauritius

  • Genesis: An inter-governmental organisation established in 1997 and based on the visions of Nelson Mandela
  • Aim: Strengthening regional cooperation and sustainable development within IOR.
  • Members: 23 members within IOR (including India).
  • Apex body: Council of Foreign Ministers (COM) which meets annually.
  • 6 priority areas 
    • Maritime Safety & Security
    • Trade & Investment Facilitation
    • Fisheries Management
    • Disaster Risk Management
    • Tourism & Cultural Exchanges
    • Academic, Science & Technology
  • ‘IORA's Outlook on the Indo-Pacific’: A consensus document adopted in 2022 (proposed by India) which calls for adherence to 1982 UNCLOS and other relevant UN treaties.
  • Tags :
  • IORA
  • Indo-Pacific
  • Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
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