Second India-US Strategic Dialogue on Africa held in Washington DC | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Second India-US Strategic Dialogue on Africa held in Washington DC

Posted 17 May 2024

2 min read

Dialogue aims to share ideas and explore ways to develop institutional, technical and bilateral synergies to work together in Africa.

  • This is the first such dialogue on Africa between India and the US after the inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20 during India’s presidency of the G20.

Significance of Africa for India

  • Strategic: Africa is vital for India’s maritime security, protect trade in the Indian Ocean Region from piracy, etc.
  • Economic: Africa's vast natural resources, including oil, gas, minerals, etc., and growing market provide both demand-side and supply-side opportunities for the Indian businesses.
  • Energy Security: Collaboration in the renewable energy sector, such as under International Solar Alliance, aligns with shared goals of sustainable development.
  • Multilateral: Cooperation with African countries in multilateral forums like UN, Commonwealth, and Non-Aligned Movement enhances India's global influence and prospects of South-South cooperation.

Challenges in India-Africa Relations

  • China factor: China's growing influence in Africa through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and investments poses a challenge to India's interests.
  • Security: Persistent conflicts and political instability in parts of Africa pose risks to Indian investments, expatriates, and development projects.
  • Racial tensions:  African students complain of harassment and discrimination.

Initiatives by India to engage Africa

  • Kampala Principles (2018): 10 guiding principles outlined by Indian PM for India-Africa partnership including developing together as equals, local partnerships, etc.
  • Asia-Africa Growth Corridor: Initiatives, launched by India, to enhance cooperation with African countries in partnership with Japan.
  • Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC): Offers capacity-building opportunities to professionals and students from African countries
  • Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR): Op Sahayata to assist cyclone-hit Mozambique in 2019 and Op Vanilla to provide relief to flood victims in Madagascar in 2020.
  • Tags :
  • India-US Strategic Dialogue on Africa
  • Kampala Principles (2018)
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