Competition Commission of India (CCI) celebrated its 15th Foundation Day | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Competition Commission of India (CCI) celebrated its 15th Foundation Day

Posted 22 May 2024

2 min read

About CCI

  • Established: In 2009 under the Competition Act, 2002.
    • Was initially created in 2003, but got its enforcement and regulatory powers after substantive provisions of Act relating to anti-trust enforcement and regulation of combinations came into force on May 20, 2009.
  • Composition: Chairperson and 6 Members appointed by the Central Government.
  • Functions
    • Preventing practices having adverse effect on competition.
      • e.g., Imposition of penalty on Google, in 2022, for abusing its dominant position in Android Mobile device ecosystem.
    • Promoting and sustaining competition in markets.
      • e.g., CCI’s probe against Apple for forcing ‘app developers’ to use its in-app payment solution.
    • Protecting the interest of consumers.
    • Ensuring freedom of trade carried on by other participants in markets in India.
  • It is also required to give opinion on competition issues on a reference received from a statutory authority established under any law.

Challenges with CCI

  • Jurisdictional issues: Regulatory overlap with sectoral regulators like TRAI for Telecom, SEBI for Securities market, etc.
  • Ensuring competition in Digital space: Traditional methods of assessing market power based on market shares may not be sufficient in the digital space due to network effects, cross border issues, etc.

Way Forward

  • There is a need to clearly delineate roles, responsibilities and jurisdictions of CCI with respect to other sectoral regulators, improve understanding of unique dynamics and business models in digital space, etc., to improve effectiveness of CCI.
  • Tags :
  • Competition Commission of India (CCI)
  • Competition Act, 2002
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