Spain becomes 99th member of International Solar Alliance (ISA) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Spain becomes 99th member of International Solar Alliance (ISA)

Posted 23 May 2024

2 min read

About ISA

  • ObjectiveA treaty-based intergovernmental organization that is an action-oriented, member-driven, collaborative platform for increased deployment of solar energy technologies.
  • Genesis: Jointly launched by India and France in 2015 on the sidelines of COP-21 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris.
    • It was officially established in 2017, with the entry into force of the ISA Framework Agreement.
    • With the amendment of the Framework Agreement in 2020, all member states of the United Nations are eligible to join the ISA. 
  • Key Strategy: Guided by the ‘Towards 1000’ strategy. Under it, ISA aims to
    • Mobilise USD 1,000 billion of investments in solar energy solutions by 2030
    • Delivering energy access to 1,000 million people 
    • Installation of 1,000 GW of solar energy capacity.
  • Observer Status of UN: In 2021, the UN General Assembly conferred Observer Status to the ISA.
  • HQ: Gurugram, India

Significance of ISA

  • Ensuring Just energy transition through solar by facilitating technology transfer, mobilising finance, etc.
  • ISA along with initiatives like Global Biofuels Alliance and Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure are mechanisms for India to assert its soft power.

Initiatives taken by ISA

  • One Sun One World One Grid (OSOWOG):  Aims to connect different regional grids through a common grid that will be used to transfer renewable energy power.
  • The Global Solar Facility (GSF): Catalyze solar investments in underserved segments and geographies across Africa.
  • Solar Technology Application Resource Centre [STAR C] Initiative: To support capacity building efforts.
  • Development of Large-Scale Solar Power Projects under Solar Park Concept in Cluster/Group of ISA Member Countries.
  • Tags :
  • ISA
  • Towards 1000’ strategy
  • One Sun One World One Grid (OSOWOG)
  • The Global Solar Facility (GSF)
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