Archaeological Survey of India confirms neolithic age rock carvings in Goa’s Mauxi village | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Archaeological Survey of India confirms neolithic age rock carvings in Goa’s Mauxi village

Posted 28 May 2024

2 min read

Rock carvings were found etched into the meta basalt rock along the dry riverbed of the Zarme river.

  • The carvings are of animals such as zebus, bulls, and antelopes, alongside footprints and cupules (hemispherical cup-shaped depressions).

Prehistoric rock paintings of India

  • Upper Palaeolithic Period 
    • In India, earliest paintings have been reported from this period. 
    • Linear representations, in green and dark red, of animal figures, such as bison, elephants, tigers etc. besides stick like human figures.
    • Sites: Bhimbetka (Madhya Pradesh), Jwalapuram (Andhra Pradesh).
  • Mesolithic Period 
    • Largest number of paintings belong to this period. 
    • Human scenes predominate and depict hunting in groups and community dances. 
    • Animals were painted in naturalistic style and humans in stylistic manner. 
    • Sites: Pachmarhi and Adamgarh Hills (Madhya Pradesh)
  • Neolithic-Chalcolithic Period
    • Pottery and metal tools are shown but vividness and vitality disappear. 
    • Predominant colours are white and red, possibly made by grinding haematite and limestone respectively. 
    • Men appear adventurous and animals are shown more youthful and majestic
    • Sites: Chambal region, Daimabad (Maharashtra).

Significance of Prehistoric Rock Paintings

  • Artistic: They depict the inner urge of prehistoric humans to express their experiences.
  • Social: They depict family life and the mundane events of daily life. 
    • These include hunting in groups, music, animal fighting, etc.
  • Cultural: They depict the clothing, food habits as well as ritualistic practises like community dancing, religious practices etc.
  • Environmental: These depict various animals such as horse, elephant, bison etc. and vegetation of the region. 
  • Tags :
  • Prehistoric Paintings
  • Bhimbetka
  • Neolithic Period
  • Mesolithic Period
  • Rock Painting
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