Quad transformed from security dialogue into multifaceted tie-up: Report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Quad transformed from security dialogue into multifaceted tie-up: Report

Posted 17 Jun 2024

2 min read

Transcending security dialogue, Quad has transformed into multifaceted partnership with broad goals. It established six working groups (WGs) for diverse policies/initiatives since 2017 regrouping.

Various policies/initiatives under Quad 

  • Health: Established Quad Vaccine Partnership and it evolved into a broader Quad Health Security Partnership in 2023.
    • Other initiatives: e-health systems expansion, Quad Pandemic Preparedness Exercise.
  • Climate:  Launched the Quad Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Package (Q-CHAMP) in 2022.
    • In 2023 Principles on Clean Energy Supply Chains in the Indo-Pacific were released. 
  • Critical and Emerging Technology: Semiconductor Supply Chain Initiative, 2021 to diversify technology supply chains.
  • Space: In 2022, it launched the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA).

Quad countries are home to a combined 24% of the world’s population and represent 35% of the world’s GDP and 18% of global trade.

  • Infrastructure: Launched the Trilateral Partnership for Infrastructure Investment in the Indo-Pacific (TIP), in 2018.
  • Cybersecurity: In 2022, established the Quad Cybersecurity Partnership.

About Quad

  • The Quad, initially known as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, is a strategic diplomatic partnership composed of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States.
    •  It’s neither a military alliance nor a mutual defense agreement.
  • Origin: In 2007, the group held its inaugural, but informal first meeting on the sidelines of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). 
  • Tags :
  • Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
  • Quad Vaccine Partnership
  • Semiconductor Supply Chain Initiative, 2021
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